Village Bible Church
Teaching the Bible with Clarity and Compassion


Our History

Amherst has been home to a First Baptist Church since the early 1800's. The building was erected in 1837 and was renovated in the early 1990's - restoring its wonderful charm. Its people have always had a strong faith in God and the Bible as God's Word. In 2015 the name was changed to Village Bible Church of Amherst to more accurately express who we are.


Our Faith

We believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; one God eternally existent in triune form.
We believe all humans, created in the image of God, have fallen short of God's perfect will and are in need of salvation for their sins.
We believe Jesus Christ is God's only provision for human salvation; His sacrifice on the cross satisfies God's judgment for our sin and His rising from the dead assures us life in His name.
We believe God's salvation through Christ is not gained by human effort but is a gift of God's grace for all those who put their faith in Jesus.
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God to be understood and followed through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our Philosophy

Our main objective is simple: we want to see lives changed for the Glory of God and the way that happens is through relationship. First by a relationship with God and, secondly, through relationship with others.  Together our lives grow and change as we love God (Matthew 22:37) and love others (Matthew 22:39)

What is important to us?

We want people to think about what God wants for their lives more than what they desire for themselves. For example, with respect to church many people think too much about what they like or want. Do they have the right music, a particular Bible study for me or ministries for my children, etc…? Those things are okay but at Village Bible Church we see something different. We don’t believe the church was designed by God to be a place where we get what we want but a people who are working together for what God wants. So instead of concentrating on ministries and programs to meet every need imaginable, we try to stay focused. Our efforts are four-fold: Worship God, Build Community, Make Disciples for Christ (help people grow in faith) and Study the Scriptures. We want to do these well and let those other things fall into place only as God directs.

Where do we get our direction? 

It would also be helpful for you to know before visiting us that we are deeply committed to the Bible. We take it seriously and study it faithfully. But what we don’t do is use it as a means to condemn people. We teach the Bible with clarity and compassion and allow it to speak for itself. We are all in a different place spiritually – some know the Bible well and follow it closely while others have little knowledge of its teachings. That’s okay, as long as you are willing to learn and grow, we all have to start somewhere.

Bottom Line

If you are looking for a church family where you can take an honest spiritual journey and seek answers about life and faith with people who will love and respect you, this is the place. We will greet you warmly and welcome you openly all in the name of Jesus Christ!