"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven'" - Matthew 19:14

Village Bible Church takes seriously the charge by Jesus to not hinder children from coming to him. We are excited to provide a ministry that helps teach children who Jesus is and what He has done for them, as well as how the Bible applies to every aspect over their lives.

Check out our different children's (birth to 4th grade) ministries below!

nursery room

A calming space for newborns and infants that still need a parent/guardian with them. Located to the right as you walk in the basement doors. 

The service is livestreamed from here allowing those cares for the baby to still participate and listen to the worship service.

toddler room

A stimulating space for infants and toddlers (ages 0-5) where they get out they can play and use their God-given energy. Located to the left as you walk in the basement doors.

Age-appropriate toys are available for kids to play with under adult supervision, allowing parents/guardians to stay in the worship service.

VBC Sandlot

The VBC Sandlot is for kids ranging from grades K-4, where they dig deep to learn about the supernatural love of God for them.

Our volunteers desire to teach children about who God is, how Jesus loves them, and how that can change their lives!

The current curriculum the VBC Sandlot uses is: Bible in Life

because of scripture passages like matthew 19:14 above, We at VBC believe that children are especially precious to the Lord. as such, we value their safety and wellbeing as one of our chief priorities.

to ensure all children are properly cared for we require mandatory NH state background checks for all volunteers in youth ministry. further, we implement safety measures that you can read more about here.

if you have any suggestions of what we can do to better protect our children, or have any questions in general, please reach out to villagebiblechurch@comcast.net or call 603-673-4063.